Tho-Do • Dr. Thomas Dörner • Engelhard-Buhrin-Str. 13 • D-79424 Auggen • Mobil: +49-173-871 82 28 • info [at] tho-do [dot] de



Tho-Do Strategy - The Heart of Marketing

An enterprice without a plan is like a ghost ship - it bobs up and down without an end and misses the best sunny beaches.


The Issue

A massive workload with daily business take up much time of entrepreneurs so that they hardly have time to focus on the market and the most important people of the world - their customers.

People starting their own business quite often don´t have the knowledge and experience to evaluate markets right and to develop a proper marketing strategy to lead the business to success. Sie haben somit eine leicht bis schwere akute Marktblindheit.

The Solution

A highly competent Strategy Coach will open your eyes and will make you ready to understand your changing markets and to adapt your business to the customer needs.

The Offering

Dr. Thomas Dörner is your Strategy-Coach, who will guide and support you to set your business on the right track - the track to success.

This will be done indivitually and practically tailored to your business needs as your business mirrors your personality!



Strategie, Coaching, Marketing, Beratung, Consultant